Auto Repair/Tire Center – Over $288,000 in Cash Flow

Price: $625,000

Location: Ventura County

Listing ID: 01121801

Over $1,948,000 in Sales!

Pre-qualified for 90% Bank/SBA Financing

Are you looking for an amazing opportunity to purchase an independent auto repair and tire center with annual sales that have averaged over $1,792,200 over the past seven years?

This profitable Business had sales of $1,948,600 in 2018 and generated $288,600 in cash flow, affording an owner/operator an outstanding salary after bank payments.

The Business is well established with over 29 years of goodwill, excellent reputation for customer service, virtually all 5-star Yelp and Google reviews and a loyal clientele.

The Business comes with the tire and automotive equipment required to run a full service auto repair business, including alignment and total car care. It is located in the highly traveled Highway 101 corridor, surrounded by an above average income residential population . Eight experienced employees will support an entrepreneurial new owner who wishes to further grow the business.

The Seller will provide training and support during the transition period. The Seller is a partner in the real estate and will offer an advantageous lease of the property. The Business is pre-qualified for 90% Bank/SBA financing.

This opportunity is being offered through Empire Business Solutions – DRE#01488246.

Listing Details

Total Sales: $1,948,600

Cash Flow: $288,600

Inventory: $25,000

Lender Pre-Qualified?: Yes

Reason For Sale:


Training & Support:

Seller will provide a minimum of four weeks training at 20 hours/week and additional telephone support to ensure a smooth transition. No prior automotive background is required.


Employees: 8


Facilities Information:

Eight bay building (6 lifts) with tire storage area, room for service expansion, customer waiting area, and adequate parking. The shop is equipped for high volume tire sales, wheel balancing and alignment, along with full service automotive repairs and preventive maintenance.



Limited competition in the area and a great reputation has enabled the Business to capture a high tire and service market share in its geographic area.

Potential Growth:

Local Owner/Operator could grow the business by soliciting fleet business, expanding advertising, and greater use of social media.


The Business is pre-qualified for 90% Bank/SBA financing.