Seller Articles
How to Save a Deal
Few business owners truly understand the complex dynamics of making a deal. Having never participated in selling a business before, the majority of business owners are blissfully unaware of what it takes to turn the dream of selling a business into a reality. Having a brokerage professional by their side is an easy way for…
Read MoreHow to Optimize Your Chances of Selling Your Business
The simple fact is that selling your business is likely to be the single most important financial decision you’ll ever make. With this important fact in mind, it is essential that you prepare far in advance. Let’s dive in and take a look at some of the key items you’ll want to check off your…
Read MoreThe Top Four Reasons Why Deals Fall Apart
It takes a lot of work to buy or sell a business. When a once promising deal is not successful, this can be due to a wide array of reasons. However, understanding the reasons why a deal can fall apart in advance can serve to dramatically increase your odds of success. Some of the reasons…
Read More6 Critically Important Aspects of Due Diligence
Performing due diligence as a part of your company’s annual review is a smart move and one that can help your business in a range of ways. Through this means, if the day comes that you need or want to sell, then you’re ready to go. There are six key areas of due diligence that…
Read MoreLack of Experience Can Be a True Deal Killer
Most business owners are experts at running their specific businesses. They are not necessarily experts at selling businesses. This is where working with a seasoned brokerage professional can prove to be invaluable. As it turns out, there are endless examples of people trying to save money by simply finding an MBA to handle the sale…
Read MoreWhat Can Negatively Impact Your Chances of a Sale?
The last thing that any business owner wants is for a sale to fall through over something that was completely preventable. The good news is that with proper preparation and planning, these mistakes can be minimized or avoided altogether. Workforce Issues One of the top mistakes that business owners can make is allowing for an…
Read MoreWhat You Need to Know About the Confidential Business Review
There are many different strategies that will likely be deployed during the sales process. In this article, we’ll focus on how to utilize the Confidential Business Review CBR and/or CIM. Frequently, the Confidential Business Review is also referred to as a Confidential Information Memorandum. But no matter what name is used, the CBR/CIM provides a…
Read MoreThe Different Buyers You Might Encounter
If you’re selling a business for the first time, you might have a preconceived notion of the type of buyer that’s most likely to purchase your business. However, the truth is that sellers often get competitive and attractive offers from buyers that they were not expecting to have an interest in their business. Let’s take…
Read MoreWhy Do Sellers Often Face an Array of Surprises?
Experts recommend that sellers prepare years before they plan to put their businesses up for sale, and there are many good reasons why they make this recommendation. A wide range of factors can interfere with the sale of a business, ranging from life changes like divorce and burnout to a new competitor moving into town.…
Read MoreWhen Should You Think About Selling Your Small Business?
There are many reasons why small companies are put up for sale. Some of the more common reasons can actually have little to do with the company’s general performance. For example, many small business owners discover that they need to sell for health reasons or personal concerns, such as divorce or partnership issues. While a…
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